Have something interesting to share with HC’s readers? Why not drop us a line…
2-week internship: APPLICATIONS NOW CLOSED
HC is currently seeking applicants for a two-week holiday internship with a possibility to progress into a paid role.
Managing Resistance to Change
Read this article to learn about resistance to change and download a free checklist that will help you manage this workplace challenge.
Values and Organisational Change
Our values appear to influence how we each cope with change. In this blog we describe a recent research finding that links Learning Orientation and Performance Orientation to Change.
Team Building Made Easy
A company we work with closely, Team Focus International, has just launched a team building brokerage called Team Building Made Easy.
Autumn Newsletter, 2011 (Printable Version)
Open this post to access the printable version of the Autumn 2011 newsletter.
If you would prefer to read only one article at a time, they have each been posted separately below.
Editorial: Autumn Newsletter
This newsletter signals a major change to the way we communicate with our readers and customers.
Non-monetary Motivators in the Workplace
Money may not be as important a motivator as you think…
Common Employee Opinion Survey mistakes
Check out this article on the 7 most common mistakes that companies make when introducing an Employee Opinion Survey
The Importance of Whistleblowing Policies
Although it’s too early to state this difinitively, you could say that the 2010 – 2020 is shaping to be the decade of the whistleblower
Reference Checks and Social Networking Sites
Some important considerations about online reference checks…