
Launch of the HC customer satisfaction survey

Published: Wednesday, March 28th, 2012

Prior to commencing our business planning process for the coming financial year, we have decided to launch a Customer Satisfaction Survey. This survey will be a critical component of our planning cycle and will help ensure that we keep our customers first and foremost when deciding what new products and services to invest in over coming … Continue reading “Launch of the HC customer satisfaction survey”

HC sponsors an olympic hopeful

Published: Tuesday, March 27th, 2012

Not many of our clients would know that HC sponsors an Olympic hopeful Water Polo player called John Hahn. Over the years we have regularly sponsored members of Drummoyne’s National League Water Polo squad. However, this year, the player that we have chosen to sponsor has the potential to represent Australia at the London Olympics! … Continue reading “HC sponsors an olympic hopeful”

Practical Ways to Address Employee Tardiness

Published: Monday, February 20th, 2012

Although managing employee tardiness is a relatively simple affair, if mishandled it can become complex quickly. We’ve asked one of our regular contributors, Darren Nelson, to provide his thoughts on the subject.