HC is pleased to announce a new team member…
April, 2010 Newsletter (Printable Version)
The printable version of the April 2010 Newsletter is located at the following site:
EDITORIAL: The Lucky Leader!
Have you ever noticed that some leaders just appear to be luckier than others?
Mobile Phone Surveys: an exciting new way to connect with your staff!
With the emergence of ‘Smartphones’ and their huge popularity, mobile phones are fast becoming a popular channel for gathering data.
Disabilities Employment: A misunderstood opportunity and under-utilised resource
For an under-represented group, we’ve certainly been hearing a lot more about disability employment over the last 6 months.
Leadership Derailment: A risk for new managers
Leadership Derailment is the process by which high potential managers develop maladaptive behaviours and fail to reach their full potential as a result.
Chaos Theory and implications for HR practices
This article describes a theory of career development called the “Chaos Theory of Careers”
HCs Suite of Services
Did you know that HC offers all of these services?
Website review complete
Our website has been updated…
HC welcomes new Survey and Testing Administrator
HC welcomes Katrina to the team…
August, 2009 Newsletter – Printable Version
The printable version of the August, 2009 newsletter is at: