A training night to remember – caught on VIDEO

Recently, Bert Rodenburg and I were privileged to present at a client’s evening development conference. The session was particularly moving and together we built ten prosthetic hands for donation overseas.

Below is a video which captures some of the footage from that night, shows how the build-a-hand process works, and gives you just a small sense of how powerful this activity is.

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4 thoughts on “A training night to remember – caught on VIDEO”

  1. Hi, could this be adapted to a school (primary) exercise. I think our ‘privileged’ kids need to know how other kids in this world live?!?. We would love to build limbs for others. Please let us know if we can help.

    1. Hi Shelley,

      Thanks for your interest. I tried to send you an email with lots of detailed information but it keeps on bouncing.

      Is there any chance you could call us on (02) 8061-3918 so that we can confirm your email address and/or provide you with information over the telephone.


  2. Fantastic project. Well done. Really like to explore for our organisation to build teamwork and ‘hands’ . We work in third world countries and would love to be part of your work. Can you contact me by email.

    1. Hi Andrew,

      I’ve just sent you some further info via email. Thanks for the feedback! Sounds like you’re doing some great work yourself. Lets have a coffee some time soon to figure how we can best work together.


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